This list was updated to include more trading card games that are worth players' money and time. Keep up with all the latest developments Featured Pokémon TCG Expansions. Compete in a local 2024 Pokémon TCG Championship Series event, and you can earn some cool rewards. Whether it's a classic title or a newcomer, trading cards are still being played and collected today. Pokémon and Get an Exclusive Pokémon TCG Promo Card. Updated on Augby Angelo Delos Trinos: Physical trading card games may not exactly be as widespread as they were in the '90s, but they're still popular enough to be one of the biggest hobbies and competitive games in the world. The best physical trading card games and most popular TCGs hit the competitive and collective itch, and have spaces for all sorts of players. However, some card games outperform others in every aspect. Whether a trading card game comes with an anime, an online simulator, or nothing but cardstock and pictures, it's a great way to connect with others. Local game stores are fantastic meeting grounds for those who want to nerd out and share their love of games, all while competing for fun prizes and enjoying the nostalgic thrill of opening packs and trading cards. Trading card games (or TCGs) are one of the best hobbies for meeting people in real life.